Every two years, the Fondation Jean-Claude Reynal, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, in collaboration with the Fine Arts School of Bordeaux (ebabx), awards a grant to a young artist who has a practice of works on paper*.

In the spirit of its initiator Jean-Claude Reynal, the grant can allow a voyage abroad. The length of this voyage abroad is 3 months minimum and 6 months maximum.

* Drawing, illustration, collage, watercolor, print, poster, charcoal, pastel, ink, graphite, pencil, engraving…

The amount of the grant is 10 000 euros.

Si vous décidez d’effectuer un séjour en France ou à l’étranger, la note d’intention devra très précisément présenter votre projet en lien avec votre démarche artistique générale et proposer un calendrier de réalisation**.

** Voir rubrique Inscriptions

Si vous décidez de ne pas effectuer de séjour, votre note d’intention devra être argumentée poste par poste en regard du versement de la bourse.


Candidates must be between 20 and 30 years of age and have had an artistic practice on paper for at least two years. All artists are eligible regardless of educational background or nationality.

Grant payment :
70% of the grant payment when the candidate is selected and awarded the prize, then 30% upon completion of the project : mandatory report. A publication, a restitution or even an exhibition could reflect this experience. 

The prize winner authorizes the Jean-Claude Reynal Foundation to use a work of his/her choice on the media announcements for the upcoming grant competition.

How to apply


1 ) Fill out the application sheet

2 ) Provide the following supporting documents in digital format:
Curriculum Vitae, ID, portfolio and note of intent.


The application process will open on September 18, 2023

Online application must be made before 13 November 2023 at midnight
(Paris time, UTC+01:00)

Results of the first round will be announced by e-mail on December 11, 2023.

Selected artists must send three original works on paper (drawings or printing techniques) whose dimensions do not exceed 40 × 60 cm.

The works must be submitted or posted at the latest between January 8 and January 15, 2024 (postmark taken as proof) to:

École supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux
7 rue des Beaux-Arts
CS 72010
33088 Bordeaux cedex

The original works will be returned as soon as possible.

Candidates will be informed of the results of the first tour by e-mail.
Results of the final selection will be announced in March 2024.

Award ceremony in presence of the winner: July 2024


Applications will be examined by a jury composed of the following members:

  • A representative of the Fondation Jean‑Claude Reynal
  • Valérie Janin
    Representant of the Fondation de France
  • M. Audry Liseron-Monfils
    Director of the Fine Arts school of Bordeaux - ebabx
  • Annette Nève
    Studies Director of the Fine Arts school of Bordeaux - ebabx

And qualified individuals

  • Anne Peltriaux
    Director of Les arts au mur, artothèque - Pessac
  • Claire Delmas
    Visual Arts Project Manager - Mérignac
  • Pierre Labat





Jean-Claude Reynal

crédit photo © jean-claudereynal.com

Jean-Claude Reynal was born in 1938 in Bordeaux, where he studied at the Fine Arts School while working in photomechanics (an advanced process at that time) at the Sud-Ouest newspaper. These two experiences combined to make of him an impassioned artist of international renown.
In Paris he befriended and later worked as assistant to Stanley William Hayter for whom he worked in his ‘Atelier 17’ for several years on a new conception of printmaking which was to broaden traditional practice.

Through his work in Atelier 17, Jean-Claude Reynal came into contact with many foreign artists and became convinced that it was necessary to explore other countries and cultures.
He was given the chance to travel to the San Francisco Institute through two scholarships (Fullbright and Gremthields), an experience which he would never forget.

Jean-Claude Reynal later became an outstanding professor at the Decorative Arts Museum in Paris where he worked for twenty years. He also exhibited internationally in Canada, London, Rome, Osaka, amongst other locations.

A dedicated teacher and artist until his death in 1988, Jean-Claude Reynal wanted to give young creators a chance to study abroad, as he had been fortunate enough to do.
Thus was born the Jean-Claude Reynal Foundation, which, with the support of the Fondation de France, enabled Georges Reynal, his father, to make this wish become reality and to insure the continuity of an ideal.
