Applications for the Jean-Claude Reynal Grant 2023 are closed.

    Constraint : You must be between 20 and 30 years of age to qualify. (Born between 01/01/1993 and 31/12/2003)

    This address will be used for returning artworks. It must be valid through April 2024.

    Artworks must be declared to customs in written or electronic (DAU) form. They may also be imported via an ATA carnet. In some cases, they can also be imported to France following the simplified inventory procedure. Please contact a customs office for further information. The inventory, made out in two copies, is countersigned by the customs office for entrance to the Community territory. One copy will be retained (subscription to a guarantee can be requested).

    Supporting documents

    Provide the following supporting documents in digital format.


    Education and diplomas received (dates and names of institutions)
    PDF format, maximum size 2 MB

    A copy of your identity card (front and back) or valid passport.
    PDF or image format, maximum size 2 MB

    Including your general artistic approach, techniques, and creative choices.
    PDF format, maximum size 20 MB

    Develop and argue in relation to your general artistic approach and a production schedule if you decide on a voyage.
    PDF format, maximum size 2 MB


    Check this box if you intend to move within the destination country.